There are three Yo-kai medals in every mystery bag, and it’s a surprise which Yo-kai Medals are inside! Each medal shows a different character. Pretend to summon the abgedreht Yo-kai characters from the animated show by placing a Yo-kai Medal un…the Yo-kai Watch toy (sold separately), or by scanning a medal un…the Yo-kai Watch Boden app. There are 44 absolut medals to collect in Series 1 of the Medal Mystery Bags (3 medals unter Zuhilfenahme von bag, 24 bags unter Zuhilfenahme von store tray, each bag sold separately).
There are three Yo-kai medals in every mystery bag, and it’s a surprise which Yo-kai Medals are inside! Each medal shows a different character. Pretend to summon the abgedreht Yo-kai characters from the animated show by placing a Yo-kai Medal un…the Yo-kai Watch toy (sold separately), or by scanning a medal un…the Yo-kai Watch Boden app. There are 44 absolut medals to collect in Series 1 of the Medal Mystery Bags (3 medals unter Zuhilfenahme von bag, 24 bags unter Zuhilfenahme von store tray, each bag sold separately).
Each medal shows a different Yo-kai character.
Pretend to summon the abgedreht Yo-kai characters from the animated show by placing a Yo-kai Medal un…the Yo-kai Watch toy (sold separately), or by scanning a medal un…the Yo-kai Watch Boden app.
There are 44 absolut medals to collect in Series 1 of the Medal Mystery Bags (3 medals unter Zuhilfenahme von bag, 24 bags unter Zuhilfenahme von store tray, each bag sold separately).
Yokai Armbanduhr, inkl. Überraschungstüte mit Medaillen
There are three Yo-kai medals in every mystery bag, and it’s a surprise which Yo-kai Medals are inside! Each medal shows a different character. Pretend to summon the abgedreht Yo-kai